Use of these files for any purposes other than those for which limited permission has been granted here is prohibited.
You may use the files for personal or non-profit pages, but you may not include them in another collection or offer them for download without written permission. You may not use any files from this site other than the ones explicitly offered for download. Use of text files must include full attribution and copyright information (this is not required for graphics). If used on a website, a link to this site is not required, but if you would like one, you may use plain text or one of the three designs below.
To use the graphics, please download them to your own directory instead of linking to our files. This will protect your site in case we move, delete, or rename the files.
Some of the graphics are in JPEG format at 16 million colors. They may appear quite different if translated to a 256 color format. The rest are in GIF format at 256 colors, occasionally with one color set to transparent.
To download an image to a PC, click on it with the right mouse button and use "Save As". On Macs, click and hold down the mouse button until the menu appears then click on "SaveAs". To download text, use the "File" menu options.
If you have any questions on usage, or if you have seen any files from this site being used in violation of these conditions, please notify Carol Hanson at