To Serve:
[DragonBear edit: previously included "2 c. peeled garlic cloves"]
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Dog Treat Recipes: Foods
Recipe Home Page and Ingredient Discussion: here
On this page:
Mr. Marley's Mush (NEW!)
Basic Dog Food Recipe
Chipper's Favorite Cupcakes
A*starz Dog Stew
Scruffy's Dog Food
German Shepherd Casserole
German Shepherd Dog Pie
Akita Style Lamb & Rice
Potatoes Au Canine Or Feline
Mr. Marley's Mush
(Tim Ufkes)
"I get all of the following from Costco"...
6 c. brown rice
12 eggs
4 c. rolled oats
1/4 c. olive oil
large bag of carrots (=8 c. processed)
three whole chickens
large bag of spinach
20 whole black peppercorns
large bag of broccoli
6 whole bay leaves
3 TB. sea salt
You will need a 24 quart or larger kettle with lid, a 24" (twenty-four inch) wooden ladle, a food processor, and a two-cup measuring cup.
How to Cook:
Clean three chickens: remove necks, gizzards, heart, & liver, and trim wing ends. Place chickens in the pot and fill 3/4 full with cold water. Add sea salt, bay leaves and peppercorns. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and then reduce to a simmer for 2 hours, or until chicken falls from the bone. Strain the stock and remove bones, bay leaves, and peppercorns. Return chicken meat, stock, and garlic to pot. On medium heat, add brown rice, rolled oats, olive oil, carrots (grated or run through a food processor), and eggs. Stir all ingredients, breaking up egg yolks. Bring to a light boil stirring occasionally. Cook for about 2 hours or until rice is soft and mushy. Add entire bags of spinach and broccoli and continue cooking 1/2 hour more. Put a week's worth of food in a container and refrigerate. Bag the rest in one-gallon freezer bags and freeze.
"I feed 1 c. of kibble (I use three-dog-bakery all natural chicken kibble), 1/2 T. of sea meal, 1 heaping T. of cottage cheese, 2 T. of Vita Shine fish oil, 1-1/2 c. of Mr. Marley's Mush, and finally 2 chicken wing ends or turkey necks or hearts, gizzards, or livers. This is Marley's and Haille's dinner meal. Since this recipe is Irish Water Spaniel tested, I am certain your Irishers will love it. Bon Appetit!" Sent to DragonBear by Tim Ufkes, Cu'Chulainn Irish Water Spaniels, 10/27/00.
Basic Dog Food Recipe
(Keeshond-L mailing list)
4 c. rice
9 c. water
1/4 c. oatmeal
1 tsp. salt
1 TB. eggshell, ground fine (about 2 eggshells)
Put all the above in a large cooker and bring to a boil, then add, while stirring:
1/2 c. 2% milk
2 TB. parsley, chopped fine
3 oz. liver, chopped fine
8 oz. ground beef (or chicken or lamb)
3 TB. corn oil
2 eggs, beaten
2 c. vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.), chopped fine
Stir, turn heat to low, and cook for about 20 minutes until all water is absorbed. Then spread out in flat tupperware containers, cool and cut into half cup squares. When feeding, add cottage cheese or yoghurt, and 1 tsp. supplement mix per 30 lbs of dog weight:
1 c. brewer's yeast
1 c. wheat germ
1/8 c. powdered kelp
"... got it from Canada - the guy puts out a wonder video tape on the food and what each ingredient supplies..." Posted by Shannon Kelly, 12/2/96.
[DragonBear edit: previously included "2 clove garlic chopped fine" in main recipe]
Chipper's Favorite Cupcakes
(A*starz: Modern Natural Rearing)
2 lb. meat (chicken, turkey or beef)
3 c. oatmeal
2 c. brown rice
4 eggs
1 c. sunflower oil
1 c. lentils
2 c. cornmeal
2 c. veggies (kale, carrots, parsley)
1/2 c. water, or sufficient to mix
Cook rice and lentils together. In a food processor, mulch up vegetables, eggs, meat. Mix all ingredients together. Spoon into lightly oiled oversized cupcake pans. Bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. Freeze what you are not going to use in 5 days. This makes about 4 dozen larger-size cupcakes.
Highly digestible, leaving very little stool volume and no loose stools. Originally from Peter and Holly Colcord, adapted and posted by Donna Stekli. (Bonnie Ott uses a large glass baking dish; mixes rest except liver and oatmeal while rice is cooking; then purees liver, cooks oatmeal in microwave, dumps in rice, bakes, cools, cut into squares, freeze a weeks worth per freezer bag. Joanie Fraser uses meatloaf pans: double the recipe to make about 6-7 pans full, 5"w x 9"l x 3" h; keep two out (for 4 Kees) and freeze the rest; sometimes add tuna instead of all meat; spinach instead of kale; topped with spaghetti sauce; add small amount of liver; use 7grain cereal instead of just oatmeal; cornmeal doesn't seem to cause problems but prefers to use white corn meal and "new process" since lower in fat and less spoilage; bread crumbs, cracker crumbs, ground cereals instead of or with cornmeal; liquids: soup, veggie juice, apple juice; add chopped apple; NO ONION; mixture should have the basics and feel like meatloaf, baked at 350 degrees for 40 minutes, checking every 5-10 minutes after first 30; oil or spray pans prior to filling.)
[DragonBear edit: previously included "3 garlic cloves"]
A*starz Dog Stew
(A*starz: Modern Natural Rearing)
3 lb. meat (chicken or turkey, cooked)
1 lb. raw organ meats (livers, kidneys, hearts)
2 c. peas
2 c. brown rice
1 c. lentils
3 c. raw veggies (kale, carrots, parsley, tomatoes, sweet potatoes)
Bake the non-raw meats along with any dry vegetables such as split peas. Debone the meat and shred pieces by hand. In a food processor, mulch up raw meats. Cook the brown rice and lentils together. In a food processor, mulch up vegetables. Mix all together and spoon into containers for freezing. Take concentrated stew, add some water and heat in microwave until warm. Mix in with dry dog food and serve. Originally from Donna Stekli.
[DragonBear edit: previously included "4 garlic cloves"]
Scruffy's Dog Food
(Dog Wellness)
1/2 c. (1/4 lb.) hamburger or chicken
2-3/4 c. rice (white or brown)
1 egg
2 TB. flaxseed oil, or extra virgin olive oil
1 calcium carbonate tablet, crushed
1/8 tsp. salt
2 tsp. parsley or carrot
Mix together and bake at 300 degrees for 30 minutes. After cooking, add multivitamin powder and 1000 mg. of vitamin C. Originally from Dr. Steven Marsden, "a holistic vet on the West Coast", adapted for Scruffy by Howard Rosenberg.
[DragonBear edit: previously included "1/4 clove garlic, minced"]
German Shepherd Casserole
(Eastern Goldfields Kennel Club)
500 gms. of any meat
1 carrot finely chopped
1 small potato finely chopped
1 stick celery finely chopped
1/2 c. sliced green beans (stringless)
1 TB. Gravox
Place all ingredients into a large casserole dish. Cover with water and mix. Place lid on casserole. Microwave on High for 10 minutes and then Medium for 10 minutes. This should be cooked at least an hour before feeding so that it is well cooled. (Also from Canine Connections, with 1 lb. ground beef or turkey, 1/4 c. rice, no Gravox.)
German Shepherd Dog Pie
(Eastern Goldfields Kennel Club)
6 oz. broth
8 oz. meat scraps
1 c. whole wheat flour
8 oz. dog meal
Grease a pan and spread half the meat in it. Sprinkle the meat generously with flour. Spread remaining half of meat into pan and salt to taste. Sprinkle again with flour. Cover with dog meal and pour broth over. Bake at 150C. for 45 minutes and then allow to cool. Feed warm. Vegetables and cheese can be added depending on your dog's taste.
Akita Style Lamb & Rice
(Eastern Goldfields Kennel Club)
1 lb. ground lamb (or beef)
1-1/2 c. brown rice
2 stalks broccoli
2 or 3 medium potatoes
3 medium carrots
1 sheet kombu (sea kelp, optional)
salt, pepper, water
Brown lamb in a fry pan. Boil water, put about 4-5 c. into a crock pot, so it is already hot while you are fixing the rest of the ingredients. Add cubed potatoes to the fry pan. Cut broccoli and add this to the crock. Put the rest of the works in the pot, add enough hot water to cover. Add salt and pepper to taste. Throw in 1/2 c. [?] brown rice and mix. (Also from Canine Connections, posted by Lee Love, makes about a dozen 8 oz. baggies of stew; add 1/2 bag to kibble morning and night.)
[DragonBear edit: previously included "4 cloves garlic"]
Potatoes Au Canine Or Feline
3 c. boiled sliced potatoes
2 TB. grated vegetables
1/2 c. creamed cottage cheese
1 TB. nutritional yeast
2 TB. grated carrots
1/4 c. whole milk
1/4 c. grated cheese
Layer in a casserole dish the first 5 ingredients (potatoes, vegetables, cottage cheese, yeast, and carrots). Then pour the milk on top of all; sprinkle with cheese. Bake about 15 minutes at 350 F. until cheese melts and slightly browns. Serve cool. As a potato substitute, you can use 3 c. of cooked oatmeal or 3 c. cooked brown rice. Originally from Deborah Lawson, Knight News Service, Watertown Daily Times, posted by Linda Fields, Cyberealm BBS.
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